Day Forty-six Saturday (April 15)


Merciful Savior, help me to not turn my face away from your cross, from your suffering, from your face, your love, ever. Amen.

Bible Reading:

Isaiah 53:1-12


One to two minutes


In the final reality, God has carried me from the day of my birth, and will hold me fast through the last breath I breathe. Of this I am convinced. He who would, for no other reason than his love for me, give up all the finery of power and glory, put up with the smallness and envy of the human heart, endure the cruelty and senselessness of mean spiritedness, bear the insults and rejection of those he loved, carry our human burdens and grief, and love me to the end, this man who hung upon a cross for me, does so for me. Such knowledge is too wonderful. To this man, I give my heart, my life, my all. Amen.

Action – Repentance and Creation:
Reread the passage from Isaiah, and look to the cross on which our Lord Jesus hangs.