150th Anniversary


The planning for Saint Paulus Lutheran church’s 150th anniversary was incredible. So many people offered help, insights, information and contributions to the celebration, by way of historical material or participation in the planning of this most significant anniversary. Information about what we achieved together can be found at the church office, by calling (415) 673-8088 or emailing [email protected]. Our 150 year landmark was a tremendous milestone for Saint Paulus and our community. Together, we paved the way for at least the next 150 years. Thank you to everyone that was involved!






During 2017, we hit a landmark - celebrating our 150th anniversary. Storytelling, shuffling through pictures, looking at old archival books and records, reviewing Church Council records written in German from the early 1900s, standing in awe of the courage and resolve of church members during the Great Earthquake and Fire of 1906, wondering what it was like to be in a Sunday School of 800 down on Mission St. in 1886 – all these have been part of the amazing grace story of a congregation that held fast to the faith, then and now in the 150th year of ministry. These reflections and stories will continue to surface, as we head into another 150 years.

In a more formal way, however, Saint Paulus Lutheran Church focused its celebration on the weekend of May 19-20-21, the weekend closest to the actual official, organization date of May 15, 1867. On that weekend the congregation hosted a musical concert at the site of our storefront church at 1541 Polk St., San Francisco, then an invitation-only banquet on Saturday evening at St. Mary’s Cathedral (due to capacity issues) on Gough St, and finally, enjoyed a festival worship on Sunday at our storefront location presided over by our synodical Bishop, Mark Holmerud.

We are surely proud of our long history, but realize that history is yesterday, and that mission and ministry which gives life and purpose to a church is delivered today. So in its thanksgiving for the blessings of 150 years of witness, the thoughtful stewardship of resources, and the partnerships we always enjoy in ministry in the City of San Francisco, Saint Paulus chose to make grants to five non-profit organizations with whom we share the deep values of human compassion and active care and a common clientele, totaling $150,000. Not only do we rejoice that we able to do so, but we want to challenge others to join us in supporting these organizations.

They include:

We also donated a gift of $150,000 to the Campaign for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

God indeed delivered us to that moment of celebration, on the shoulders of so many faithful saints of the past.  We look forward to the days ahead with great anticipation knowing we have be led and are being led by amazing grace.





In 2017 Saint Paulus Lutheran Church celebrated 150 years of ministry in the city of San Francisco. Over the course of those years countless people have sustained and participated in the mission of the congregation, important events have shaped its character, and the Spirit has breathed life into its journey. During the year 2017, Saint Paulus celebrated this history and the people who carried it. We stand on the shoulders of generations, and to them we will raise our thanksgiving. Throughout the year various dimensions of the history were highlighted through social ministry, web presentations and paper distribution. A particular concentration of presentations of Saint Paulus life and ministry took place just prior to its official anniversary date of May 22nd 2017.

Information about how we celebrated can be found by calling the church office, (415) 673-8088 or emailing [email protected].