Baptism is traditionally the entry point for the inclusion in the Christian Church. It is the single action which is recognized by nearly all expressions of the Church. Saint Paulus Lutheran Church offers the Sacrament of Baptism to any and all, not as a requirement, but as a gift, as it is intended by its “actor,” God.
Baptism is generally a public event, celebrated with the faith community as both participant and witness. In emergency situations, baptism can be enacted in any circumstance. Infants, children and adults are candidates for baptism upon their request or that of their parents/guardians. Saint Paulus rejoices in such requests and will make every effort to make arrangements as soon as possible. Such arrangements will include preparation, education, and scheduling.
Please contact Pastor Solberg at Saint Paulus (415) 673-8088 or cell (415) 596-5986 or email him at [email protected].
Saint Paulus Lutheran Church practices radical inclusion in which all those who gather are invited to participate in its worship, ministries, fellowship, and hospitality. We lead with such openness and for those who “learn” of the spirit and substance of the congregation and its mission, we extend a hand of formal “membership”. Membership is granted through baptism (when requested by parents or guardians or by personal pursuit), transfer from other faith communities, or affirmation of faith. This formal membership enables the right to legally participate in voting on church matters, holding governing positions, and being included in statistical records.
Membership is declared in the public worship gathering of the congregation on Sundays that coincide with membership requests. In order to maintain this formal membership, a person must receive the Sacrament at least once a year, make a contribution of record, and attend one of the congregation’s quarterly meetings. It is expected that members involve themselves in the life of the congregation through its various ministry opportunities, from Sunday morning worship assistance or leadership positions to volunteer time in compassionate outreach, each using their gifts and abilities.
Please contact Pastor Solberg at Saint Paulus (415) 673-8088 or cell (415) 596-5986 or email him at [email protected].
Volunteering & Internships
The life and ministry of Saint Paulus Lutheran Church is driven by volunteers. From Sunday morning worship support to daily office assistance, from serving HIV/AIDS banquets to making sandwiches for our partners at Open Cathedral; from being a crisis line counselor (with training) to welcoming people coming to SF CARES “Vision Events.”
There is opportunity, there is need, there is training, there is deep satisfaction available. All our volunteer positions have been created because of a need or an awareness of those who are under-served or forgotten.
We gratefully receive suggestions as to where and how our desires and resources can be used in the service of our neighbors. Please get a hold of the Saint Paulus office (415) 673-8088 or email [email protected], or contact Pastor Solberg, President of SF CARES for information or suggestions.
Interested In Renting At Saint Paulus?
Please email [email protected]